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UGL awarded $1.9bn Melbourne suburban network O&M contract

CIMIC Group company, UGL, as part of the Metro Trains Melbourne joint
venture, has been awarded a contract to continue the operations and
maintenance of the Melbourne suburban train network for a further seven

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The contract will generate revenue to UGL of approximately $1.886 billion over the initial seven-year term, with options of three further years in addition to this revenue figure.

The contract, which will commence in November, follows an eight-year agreement for the operations and management of the trains which is due to conclude in November. Metro Trains Melbourne comprises MTR Corporation (60%), John Holland (20%) and UGL (20%).

CIMIC Group Chief Executive Officer Adolfo Valderas said: “CIMIC and UGL are pleased to be delivering the next step change in public transport in Victoria through the delivery of a high-performing railway for Melbourne.”

UGL Managing Director Jason Spears said: “During the past eight years UGL and its partners have delivered significant improvements for users of Melbourne public transport. Now, with unprecedented levels of investment in rail projects, we are ready to further increase performance and support an extensive program of Government investment.”