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Operating costs for AOK regional HQ in Essen guaranteed for 20 years

HOCHTIEF Solutions to make operating costs calculable - will also implement its maintenance strategy long term.

As of April 2013, and for at least 20 years, HOCHTIEF Solutions will take charge of all facility management including operator responsibility, at the new regional headquarters of AOK Rhineland/Hamburg in Essen. The company has concluded an operating agreement with the owner of the new property, a fund company of Hannover Leasing, which includes a long-term guarantee with regard to operating costs. It was agreed that no details of the contract volume would be disclosed.

HOCHTIEF Solutions will thus provide a reliable basis for calculating the building’s operating costs, both for the building’s owner and the tenants, so that they can therefore be planned in the long term. HOCHTIEF Solutions will receive a fixed annual fee for providing facility management at the office property in Essen which has a rental area of around 14,400 square meters. On this basis, the company will develop a maintenance strategy and will implement it using pre-agreed quality criteria. The guaranteed operating costs represent an optimized risk profile, particularly for HOCHTIEF Solutions’ institutional clients, and thus support the yield-oriented marketing of the corresponding real estate fund. The new building in Essen which the regional headquarters of AOK Rhineland/Hamburg is leasing, was developed by a joint venture between HOCHTIEF Projektentwicklung and Cologne-based Bauwens Development.