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CIMIC’s Leighton Asia awarded high density, liquid cooling-ready data centre in Malaysia

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CIMIC Group company Leighton Asia has been awarded the first phase of the design and construction of a high-density, liquid cooling-ready data centre in Cyberjaya, Malaysia.

The 64 MW data centre is for a multinational technology corporation which is a current client. It will be liquid cooling-ready, an approach that delivers energy savings, supporting scalable and sustainable growth for the sector.

CIMIC Group Executive Chairman Juan Santamaría said: “Leveraging our global critical digital infrastructure capabilities we will deliver this data centre with the latest liquid cooling technology and cutting-edge solutions that can handle higher heat loads. Liquid cooling systems consume less energy, helping operators reduce energy costs and improve energy efficiency.”

Leighton Asia Managing Director Brad Davey said: “Leighton Asia is excited to embark on this new project, which underscores our core expertise in providing innovative and reliable digital infrastructure. We are pleased to be recognised with a further contract from our client, continuing a longstanding collaboration.”

The data centre is the first of four in a 256 MW, 35-acre campus of the client. The facility will feature near-zero Water Utilization Efficiency (a measure of how efficiently a data centre uses water) by using the latest cooling design.